Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Junior Minister Cuts Announced

Oisin O’Callaghan
22nd April 2009

A new smaller team of junior ministers was unveiled yesterday afternoon by the Dáil as it resumed after the Easter break.

Taoiseach Brian Cowen put his list to the Cabinet at its meeting yesterday morning. The number of junior ministers has been reduced from 20 to 15, in an effort to reduce government spending.

“In these difficult economic times, everybody has been asked to make sacrifices and it is appropriate that those in positions of leadership set a strong example,” said Cowen.

The members cut from the original 20 are Noel Ahern, Sean Power, Maire Hoctor, Mary Wallace, Michael Kitt, Jimmy Devins and John McGuinness. TDs Áine Brady and Dara Calleary have been promoted to minsters.

There was speculation that Mr. Cowen would make further cuts. This was partially fuelled by criticism from Fine Gael that not enough was being done and that the number of ministers should actually be reduced to 12. In the end no additional cuts were made.

The biggest surprise of the decision was the dropping of Mr McGuiness who had one of the highest profiles and was widely regarded as an effective minister.

The Labour Party have criticised the government on the weakness of this move, claiming that it will have little to no effect on the problems facing the country

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